Take Advantage of the Last 4 weeks of Summer!


The best month of summer is August, when the tourists leave and the locals get to enjoy Coeur d’Alene. It has been a wild summer with friends and family visiting and vacationing out of state, but August is when things start to slow down. When we really start to unwind before ramping up for school. Here are three tips for capitalizing on our last four weeks of summer!

Be Intentional With Your Time

We have 5 more weekends left. How are you going to spend them? Who are you going to spend them with? The people we invest in are a part of how we invest in ourselves. Choose the people who matter most. The people who enrich our lives. And get out into the sunshine and soak up that Vitamin D!

Family Fun

Take advantage of the last few weeks of warm weather where you can grab your kids, a few bathing suits, and towels and take off for an adventure. Winter will be here soon enough where it takes all of North 40 Outfitters to equip your small horde of children (or even just yourself!) to brave the elements outside. Sandals, swim suits, sunscreen is my favorite combo of essentials needed for activities. I love the cold, but I am not looking forward to bundling the children—when it takes longer to get them dressed than they actually spend outside.

Bucket List

Review what’s left on your list of activities you wanted to accomplish before summer’s end. Have you gone tubing? Visited Priest Lake? Capitalized on those free reading tickets for Silverwood? Remember the fair is coming to North Idaho August 16th-25th, and they have a huge list of activities to choose from that only come around once a year!

Winters are hard, but our summers are magical. Summers get us through the rest of the year, so make sure to fill up your tank. With only one month left before school starts, let’s take advantage of these sweet few weeks.

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