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How to Manage Your Workload and Still Enjoy North Idaho Summers

Summers in North Idaho are incomparable. Gorgeous days laying by the pool. Hot days on the lake. And those warm summer nights that last forever. BBQs, water sports, and farmer’s markets with unique shopping and the freshest foods.

But how do we take it all in while maintaining our workloads? How do we enjoy these extraordinary summers—the part of the year we all dream about during winter?

Work Efficiently

Instead of measuring your workload in hours, measure it by project. Can you set a certain number of tasks for the day, and once it’s done, get outside? This can be effectively managed by creating working sprints. 

Parkinson’s Law states that an activity will take as long as you allow for it. If you only have 15 minutes to get something done, you will be able to hone in on your task and crush it. But if you have an hour to complete it, that same task will take you 60 minutes. Allot an amount of time for each task, and make every minute count. Limit your distractions, only checking your phone in between sprints, and create a powerful workflow. Take a quick 5 to 15-minute break in between sprints, then settle in for the next one. You’d be shocked how much you can accomplish.

Shift Your Work Schedule

If you can’t condense your schedule, try starting earlier. The sun’s up at 4am! Wake up early, knock out your set hours, and leave early to enjoy the daylight hours. If you normally start at 9am, can you start at 6am, work through lunch, and leave at 2pm? You would still have almost eight hours of daylight to enjoy all that North Idaho has to offer. 

Save PTO for Summer

If you can’t change your schedule at all, save your PTO for the summers and try to take Fridays or Mondays off. When combined with the weekend, you have more time for activities that may be several hours away. If you decide to stay in town, weekdays are often less busy and a great opportunity to maximize your time with friends and family without the crowds.

And if none of this works, try getting wifi on a boat, and at least you can work somewhere beautiful!

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